Named after yet another munificent Merseyside, er, medic, Doctor Duncan’s is a good bet if you’re near Lime Street for a decent pint. There’s a genuinely a Who’s Who of session ale standards, with the odd offbeat choice to boot.
The large rear of the pub is rather generic and has a big screen for virtually every angle, but more interesting is the somewhat hidden lounge area that looks like a Raj-era train station waiting room; all mosaic floors, tiled arches and sumptuous leather. Look out for the old medical kit and pharmacy cabinet here too – a nod to the titular Doctor Duncan, Liverpool’s first ever medical officer in the 19th Century and responsible for the city’s sewers so remember to thanks him if you visit the WCs.
The bar area is pretty too, though don’t bet on a friendly welcome. Dr Duncan’s has earned itself a reputation for poor service over the last few years, to which we can personally attest.
Until its closure a couple of year Dr Duncan’s was steadfastly a Cain’s pub and while we lament the brewery’s passing we don’t lament the characterless beer, so Dr Duncan’s certainly has that in it favour these days.
Yes there’s bar meals – burgers, chips, spuds and the like – but you wouldn’t make a special visit for it. If you’re into real ale and characterful pubs then come for them.